Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Yes, We'll be there! Please stop by the sheep barn to say hello! We'll be there with 12 of our little darlings to show. So if we're not by the pens with the sheep, we're probably in the show ring. Hope to see you there. :-)


  1. Hi Yvonne, I couldn't find an email address on the blog so I'm just commenting in hope you'll see it. I bought a small fleece (Rachel) this spring at your Wonderful Woolies sale. I just started trying to scour it. However, I don't have a lot of experience with scouring and I wonder if you can give me any tips about how to handle this particular fleece. The locks are short (2 inches or so), and I'm having a bit of trouble holding the shorn ends with one hand in the hot water/soap solution while I try to work the soil and vegetable fibers out of the ends of the locks with the other hand. Because it's hard to hold the short locks, I'm afraid I'm agitating too much and will end up with felted wool. Any suggestions? Thanks!

  2. Thanks for your message, Ramona. I was glad to connect with you by phone. I hope you will follow through & mail me a few of your locks & we'll see what's going on.
